Changes to Vic Manual Handling Regulations

Changes to Vic Manual Handling Regulations

Sent to me by someone very close to this with real concerns but for good reason has to remain anonymous

With Victoria undergoing a review of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007 it will be interesting to see what change if any, will occur to Part 3.1—Manual Handling.

Given that Manual Handling (MH) accounts for around 50% of all injuries/claims in the workplace there has been very little change over several years. The cost of MH pain and suffering is huge in line with the data numbers. This is a cost to the state, business & community. So we know all about that information but why is it that we cannot make significant change to the MH issue.

If these same numbers related to chemicals, hearing loss or falls I am sure the regulators, community, unions and business would be up in arms to fix the problem. So I am reaching out to the community to ask:

1. Why we cannot make improvement to the MH claims/costs

2. In terms of MH what have we got wrong

3. How can we make it right to bring down the MH numbers relating pain, suffering & cost.

Perhaps there is a simple answer out there but has never been published – so here is your chance to shine & make real change.

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