Accident Investigation

Accident investigation summary By the late George Robotham The term accident is an emotionally laden term that implies blame. I prefer to use the term personal damage occurrence. Summary of the personal damage occurrence investigation process Provide first-aid and medical care to injured persons and make the site safe Ensure Emergency Response Plans are activated… Read More Accident Investigation

Accident Investigation Models

Personal damage occurrence (Accident) Investigation Models Guest Post by George Robotham Introduction Personal damage occurrences (“Accidents”) may be a source of learning and improvement for the safety management system if they are well investigated and appropriate corrective action implemented. The term accident is an emotionally laden term that infers blame, the term should be avoided.… Read More Accident Investigation Models

Accident Investigation

Personal damage occurrence ( “Accident “) Investigation George from shares his considerable experience on the subject Introduction Personal damage occurrences (“Accidents”) may be a source of learning and improvement for the safety management system if they are well investigated and appropriate corrective action implemented. The term accident is an emotionally laden term that infers… Read More Accident Investigation

Accident Investigation Kit

George’s Safety Reflections SEE MORE HERE By George Robotham PERSONAL DAMAGE OCCURRENCE (“ACCIDENT”) INVESTIGATION KIT (To be left in vehicle) The following is what I would regard as the ultimate investigation kit, it needs to be tailored to the likely types of investigation. Digital camera with spare batteries Video camera, blank D.V.D.’s, spare batteries,… Read More Accident Investigation Kit