Stress Research, Resilience and Radical Wholeness

It should be no surprise to anyone that there is a direct link between poor biological health and psychosocial health ( The research also shows that brain-centrism is a distraction from the need to focus holistically on health. So much of what floats about popular approaches to resilience is brain-centric. A common semiotic is often… Read More Stress Research, Resilience and Radical Wholeness

When Zero Doesn’t Work, Don’t Blame Zero

We read sadly about the continuing increase in the road toll across Australia (Deadliest six months on Australian roads since 2010 leaves industry demanding answers), despite all the billions of dollars in spending, road improvements and technological design. This year’s road toll is the highest in 10 years with some states increase at 65% higher… Read More When Zero Doesn’t Work, Don’t Blame Zero