Social Sensemaking in Safety and Risk

imageAnyone struggling to make sense of the social psychology of risk and safety, the flavour of most of our articles these days, will love this new book by Rob Sams

Social Sensemaking – A Reflective Journal; how we make sense of risk

We are pleased to announce that Social Sensemaking© is now available for ‘Pre-Order’. Due for release at the end of August, you can pre-order your copy in advance by clicking on this link: Pre-order

What is the Book About?

Social Sensemaking©, is a reflection of a ‘learning adventure’ in the Social Psychology of Risk, experienced over the past few years by Rob Sams and the other Contributors to this book.
Written in the form of a reflective journal, they share stories and experiences of how they have made sense of decisions and judgments about risk.
This is a book that questions the traditional controlling and dictating methods typically adopted by the risk and safety fields, and as an alternative offers a more humanistic approach and methodology.


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