One Young Death On The Road Is One Death Too Many

One Young Death On The Road Is One Death Too Many 

National Guide to Driver Safety 2015/16 – Released  

DRV8-5-Chart-Image-72dpi[2]Students drive to school every day. The last thing you’d expect is for them to die on the way there. Young drivers are involved in more than 25% of fatal car crashes. Even the death of one young driver is one death too many. Pro-Visual Publishing, in collaboration with Motor Traders’ Associations across Australia, Amy Gillett, A Metre Matters and Keys2Drive, has released the latest edition of the National Guide to Driver Safety, with interactive Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities. 

The free guide covers a range of topics including: • Warning signs and causes of driver fatigue. • Types and consequences of distractions while driving. • New motorcycle safety laws to be aware of. 
Young drivers aged between 17 and 25 accounted for 12% of deaths alone in 2015. It is the responsibility of businesses, education institutions and the wider community to unite to reduce young driver fatalities on our Australian roads. 

Deaths can be prevented by incorporating the guide into driver training programs and curriculums, starting with secondary schools, driving schools and training colleges. Using the latest interactive technology, students and young drivers will be invigorated to learn how they can stay safe on the road.

Preventing young driver deaths starts with educators. Make sure you exercise your duty of care.  
“I would like to thank all the sponsors of the National Guide to Driver Safety 2015/16. Their support has made it possible for the Guide to be distributed free of charge.”  – John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing.  

Pro-Visual Publishing is the leading specialist in wall-mounted workplace health & safety, food safety & hygiene, and wellbeing information resource guides. Each guide is practical and informative, providing a quick reference point for management and staff. Pro-Visual Publishing’s guides are vital resources to ensure workers return home exactly the way they came to work.  

For further information, or to obtain additional copies of the Guide, please call (02) 8272 2611, email  or visit  
For media enquiries or images please contact Deanna Davenport at Pro-Visual Publishing on (02) 8272 2611 or

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