A light-hearted look at the characteristics of a good OHS Professional

A light-hearted look at the characteristics of a good OHS Professional

George’s Safety Reflections – by the late George Robotham

(WARNING – Some may be offended – if you are, sorry!)

  1. He is like Herpes – He will not go away
  2. He is a glutton for punishment
  3. He is structure oriented and used to dealing with people
  4. He understands project management
  5. When necessary, he can be a bull-shit artist of the finest order
  6. He has a highly developed “bullshitometer” and can identify weakness in others
  7. He has no respect for pretentiousness and wannabe’s
  8. He has the guts to take on anyone, regardless of level, who impedes progress in safety
  9. He enjoys the company of others and, when forced, may indulge in strong beverages
  10. He is no slave to political correctness
  11. He has been known to refer to those in positions of authority to be people who engage in acts of public masturbation
  12. AND Before anyone pulls me up, I do recognise there are female OHS professionals

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